Tuesday 6 February 2007

The most powerful PM

Atlast, people are beginning to realize the untiring commitment and perfect foresight of our Prime Minister. Social infrastructure and energy security within the framework of an open economy is what the PM wants. Can I agree with you more, Doctor?

Here's an article I read today:

CNN-IBN's Indian of the Year

New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has truly given India its global face by leading the country from strength to strength in every sphere.
He is the man who transformed the Indian economy as a finance minister and proved his mettle in every aspect as the leader of the much touted next superpower that India is.
For these qualities, Manmohan Singh was adjudged the winner in the Politician of the Year category.
With all these qualifications under his belt, it was natural that he be judged the Indian of the Year amongst all the category winners - not just by the jury but also by the public who voted for him.
Singh won hands down for finally stepping out of Sonia Gandhi's shadow and making the nuclear deal possible.
The speech - “I know there are risks involved but I'm ready to take those risks for India” - transformed the unassuming Economist Prime Minister into Brand Manmohan speaking out brave and strong.
He single-handedly led the diplomatic offensive for the Indo-US nuclear deal and changed the dynamics of the Indo-US relationship forever.
On receiving the award, Manmohan Singh said that he was grateful as well as humbled by the decision.
Under his leadership, the economy is booming, and the development index has skyrocketed.
Any doubts on whether he's politically savvy enough were laid to rest in 2006. He has held the coalition together, walked the tightrope despite difficult partners and has achieved a remarkable working relationship with Sonia Gandhi.
Singh is the most educated Prime Minister of independent India, yet he's the least pompous.
Oxbridge-educated yet the Punjabi accent remains. His apparent weakness is his strength and he may never have won a popular election but has won the respect of his countrymen.
For that and much more, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is CNN-IBN'S Indian Politician of the Year.

Three Cheers!

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