Tuesday 23 December 2008

What does your gut say?

I happened to listen to the podcast of the Gerd Gigerenzer (henceforth GG) talk at LSE on 20th October, 2008. He spoke about Gut Feelings: better shortcuts to decision-making.

I have often wondered about why when taking exams our first intuition is always correct. Often, when we change our answer, it turns out to be wrong. Intuition is a set of quick thoughts that arise from the subconscious mind to affect our actions. How do people take decisions? Are they rational as economists like to think? Or do they take short-cuts based on rules of thumb? GG spoke about heuristics: the ability of man to ignore certain information that is not useful for getting the required result. An example is that of a baseball or cricket fielder who is about to catch a ball. He says that only three things matter for catching the ball when it is already in the air. First, keeping one’s eyes on the ball, second, running and third, keeping the angle between himself and the ball constant. All other information, such as where the ball was hit, how it was hit, etc… is not required by the brain to catch the ball. This is where heuristics kick in and help us focus on only the relevant part of the information. How does an airport customs officer find out if the person is a drug courier or not? A drug courier is a person who comes into a city with a bag full of money and goes back with a bag full of drugs. A woman was caught with $200,000 worth of money in a black suitcase by an officer. On later asking the officer how he found out that it was her, he said he only had a gut feeling. He was looking for people who were looking for him!

We apply these rational rules of thumb from finding a wife to raising one’s children. He gives the example of Henry Markowitz who won the Nobel Prize for his study on modeling the financial returns to investing. When he had to invest in the financial market he did not use his own model but instead relied on intuition. He invested equally in the stocks he was interested in instead of calibrating it according to his model that cam up with the highest mean to variance ratios. What GG is interested in is to find out if doing this equal investment in N stocks actually gives higher returns on average than using a fitted model based on mean variance ratios. He finds that if N=50, then it would need data for the past 500 years to make a prediction that would outperform the equal investment thumb rule.

In animals, finding mates is a heuristic decision and he claims it is so even in humans. No one (barring an occasional economist) calculates the highest expected utility by finding probabilities through matching functions and reoptimize using Bayesian rules. There are many misconceptions about heuristics. For instance, they are merely second-best results – optimization is better. Second, it fails to consider the structural environment. A comparison is made of cognition and environment to a pair of scissors ala psychologists and sociologists. But heuristics do take into account both cognition and the environment. It may be rational, then, to rely on first intuition – but only where a person is an expert in the field. Time to decide should be very short according to empirical evidence. However, for amateurs it does not seem to matter. An implication is that if you have experts meeting, keep the time short.

Mechanisms to understand intuition seem to be at an early stage of psychology. How is the brain able to fit past information and predict. Or does it? What separates hindsight and foresight? Fast and frugal heuristic is often the vital difference, but the exact mechanisms will need a little more thought.

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